Home Aims and objectives

Aims and objectives

by indusqworld.com


To promote goodwill & friendship amongst its members & society and to help society & members to develop their Personality, Communication, Leadership Skills, Educational and Cultural Skills.


  1. To conduct and support educational & social activities such as communication, leadership & cultural skills development etc.
  2. Social Awakening through Cultural Programs.
  3. Sharing our knowledge and experience with our fellow members for their Self-Development and Personal Growth.
  4. Providing support to like-minded organizations and arranging workshops for their Leadership and Communication Skills Development.
  5. To promote and support social cultural and educational activities.
  6. To organize training classes for teaching various forms of cultural activities for its members.
  7. To participate and support socio-cultural-educational activities of like-minded persons in India & Abroad.
  8. To render possible help to the members, students and retired persons & senior citizens.
  9. To conduct competitions in various social, cultural & educational fields for its members.
  10. To organize training courses for human potential development for promotion and strengthening of youth, women and people’s organizations to facilitate a process of effective and active participation of these people in the process of their self-development.
  11. To arrange Youth Leadership Programs, Counselling Centres for Members, Non-Members and Guests. To establish and run child care centres and ashram schools.
  12. To implement state and centre government schemes for the benefit of the disserving.
  13. Establishment of Institutes for Personality, Communication, Leadership Skills, Educational and Cultural Skills Development.
  14. Establishment of Institutes for Social & Cultural Activities including but not limited to music, singing, dance, painting, arts craft work, debate competition, sports tournaments, seminars, dramas, symposiums, lectures, psycho-physiological development of the youths.
  15. To establish and run community halls, infrastructures and assets for social & cultural activities, training institutes, nursery, schools, colleges, hostels for boys & girls and rehabilitation centres. To arrange educational tours for deserving students.
  16. To establish and run various professional, technical, vocational and medical & health related educational institutes in different areas.
  17. Establishment of Institutes for providing help to students and retired persons & senior citizens, divorce widows, war widows, needy women. To start and run pre-marriage counselling centers. To establish and run old age home.
  18. To establish and run blood banks, eye-banks and medical & health related guidance centers.
  19. To undertake the schemes for the welfare of the public at large for socio-economic development of people from slum, rural and tribal areas.
  20. To undertake & provide training & programs on pollution control and help in case of natural calamities.
  21. To start research centres and carry out research & education and training in the field of social, natural sciences, agriculture, handicrafts, folk’s arts, traditional industries, agro based industries, horticulture, floriculture, forestry, fisheries etc.
    Any other activities in line with the above said objectives of society, “INDUS QUALITY WORLD, NAGPUR”.